Not sure this would help but I subscribe to a GF baker and she has wonderful recipes. It might be worth googling her and the dough you are looking for. Her name is: Aran Goyoaga. 😊
Someone sent me one! Trying it today, just need to pick up some ingredients that don't live in my pantry. But I will also creep your recommendation. I am not GF but have several friends who are, so it makes it tougher to share my baking lol
Interesting look at (and thoughts about) those different creative work spaces. Lovely work. And good luck with the GF dough recipe!
I found Bacon's studio wild to see, it makes so much sense seeing it then his work. And thank you! Also... still haven't found a recipe that works :(
Not sure this would help but I subscribe to a GF baker and she has wonderful recipes. It might be worth googling her and the dough you are looking for. Her name is: Aran Goyoaga. 😊
Someone sent me one! Trying it today, just need to pick up some ingredients that don't live in my pantry. But I will also creep your recommendation. I am not GF but have several friends who are, so it makes it tougher to share my baking lol
OOooo, YAY! Hope it is tasty and works for you.